Missio Dei: Abraham’s Call to Leave

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Day 1: Called to Leave
Scripture: Genesis 12:1

Reflection: Reflect on God’s call to Abram to leave his native country, family, and father’s
house. Consider what God might be calling you to leave behind in order to follow Him more
closely. What comforts or familiarities are holding you back from fully embracing God’s
mission for your life?

Prayer: Lord, help me to trust You as Abram did. Give me the courage to leave behind anything
that hinders my walk with You. Amen.

Day 2: Trusting God’s Promises
Scripture: Genesis 12:2-3

Reflection: God promised Abram that He would make him a great nation and bless him. Reflect
on the promises God has made to you through His Word. How can you trust Him more deeply

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your promises. Help me to trust in Your faithfulness and to live in
the assurance of Your blessings. Amen.

Day 3: Stepping Out in Faith
Scripture: Hebrews 11:8

Reflection: Abram stepped out in faith, not knowing where he was going. Consider areas in
your life where God is asking you to step out in faith. What steps can you take today to move
forward in obedience?

Prayer: Lord, give me the faith to step out into the unknown, trusting that You are guiding my
path. Amen.

Day 4: Being a Blessing
Scripture: Genesis 12:2

Reflection: God blessed Abram so that he could be a blessing to others. Reflect on how you can
be a blessing to those around you. In what ways can you share the love and truth of Christ with

Prayer: God, show me how I can be a blessing to others today. Use me to share Your love and
truth with those I encounter. Amen.

Day 5: Building Altars
Scripture: Genesis 12:7-8

Reflection: Abram built altars to the Lord as he journeyed. Consider how you can create spaces
of worship and remembrance in your daily life. What practices can help you stay connected to
God throughout your journey?

Prayer: Father, help me to build altars in my life where I can meet with You and remember Your
faithfulness. Amen.

Day 6: Facing Challenges
Scripture: Genesis 12:10

Reflection: Abram faced challenges and made mistakes, yet God remained faithful. Reflect on
the challenges you face and how God’s faithfulness can sustain you through them. How can
you rely on His strength rather than your own?

Prayer: Lord, in the midst of challenges, help me to rely on Your strength and faithfulness.
Guide me through difficult times. Amen.

Day 7: Living the Mission
Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20

Reflection: Jesus calls us to make disciples of all nations. Reflect on how you can live out this
mission in your daily life. Who is God calling you to reach with His love and truth?

Prayer: Jesus, empower me to live out Your mission. Help me to make disciples and share Your
love with the world. Amen.