Missio Dei: Devotional

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Day 1: Called to Be Ambassadors
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:20-21

Reflection: As ambassadors for Christ, we represent His kingdom in our daily lives. Consider
what it means to be an ambassador and how your actions and words reflect Christ to those
around you.

Prayer Focus: Ask God to help you understand your role as His ambassador and to give you
opportunities to represent Him well.

Day 2: Experiencing Christ’s Peace
Scripture: John 20:19-23

Reflection: Jesus offers peace that surpasses understanding. Reflect on areas of your life where
you need His peace and how you can share that peace with others.

Prayer Focus: Pray for Christ’s peace to fill your heart and for the ability to extend that peace to
those you encounter.

Day 3: Embracing the Great Commission
Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20

Reflection: The Great Commission calls us to make disciples of all nations. Reflect on how you
can participate in this mission in your community and beyond.

Prayer Focus: Ask God to show you specific ways you can engage in disciple-making and to
give you courage to step out in faith.

Day 4: The Power of Personal Testimony
Scripture: John 4:1-42

Reflection: The Samaritan woman’s encounter with Jesus transformed her life and impacted her
community. Reflect on your own story of transformation and how you can share it with others.

Prayer Focus: Pray for boldness to share your testimony and for God to use your story to draw
others to Him.

Day 5: Living Out Your Mission
Scripture: Matthew 5:14-16

Reflection: As followers of Christ, we are called to be the light of the world. Consider how you
can let your light shine in your daily interactions.

Prayer Focus: Ask God to help you be a light in your community and to guide you in living out
your mission with authenticity and love.

Day 6: Overcoming Doubts
Scripture: Matthew 28:17

Reflection: Even the disciples experienced doubt, yet Jesus continued to pursue them. Reflect
on any doubts you may have and how Jesus meets you in those moments.

Prayer Focus: Pray for faith to overcome doubts and for the assurance of Christ’s presence in
your life.

Day 7: Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Scripture: Acts 1:8

Reflection: The Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses for Christ. Reflect on how the Spirit is
working in your life and how you can rely on His power.

Prayer Focus: Ask for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit to empower you for the mission God has
called you to.