What Love Does Group Study – Week 1

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“Two Truths and a Quirk”
– Have each participant share two truths about themselves and one quirky fact. This
activity helps to break the ice and highlights the sermon’s point that “everyone is
normal until you get to know them.” It also sets the stage for discussing how we can
love each other despite our quirks.

Bible Study: Storgē Love

Scripture Reading: Romans 12:9-21

Discussion Questions:

1. Understanding Storge Love:
– What is “storge” love, and how does it differ from other types of love mentioned in
the Bible (e.g., agape, phileo, eros)?
– How does Romans 12:9-10 describe the characteristics of genuine love within a
family or church community?
2. Authentic Love:
– In verse 9, Paul warns against pretending to love others. What are some ways we
might “pretend” to love in our daily lives?
– How can we cultivate a more genuine love for those in our church family?
3. Living Out Love:
– Verses 11-13 talk about serving the Lord enthusiastically and helping those in
need. How can we apply these verses in our church community?
– What are some practical ways we can “rejoice with those who rejoice and weep
with those who weep” (verse 15)?
4. Overcoming Challenges:
– How do verses 14-21 guide us in dealing with difficult people or situations within
our community?
– What does it mean to “overcome evil with good” in the context of familial love?

Personal Reflection

– Reflect on a time when you experienced genuine love from someone in your church
or family. How did it impact you?

– Identify one person in your church or family with whom you can be more intentional
about showing genuine love this week.

Group Activity:

– As a group, brainstorm and commit to one collective act of love or service you can
perform for someone in your church community this week. This could be visiting
someone who is sick, helping a family in need, or organizing a small event to bring
people together.


– Close with a prayer asking God to help each participant grow in their ability to love
genuinely and to strengthen the bonds within the church family. Pray for specifi
needs within the group and for opportunities to demonstrate storge love in practical