Missio Dei: God’s Heart for the Nations
Each day, take time to journal your thoughts and prayers, asking God to deepen your understanding and commitment to His mission.
Day 1: The Power of the Holy Spirit
Scripture: Acts 1:8
Reflection: Reflect on the promise of Jesus that we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. Consider how the Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses in our communities and beyond.
Prayer: Ask God to fill you with His Spirit, empowering you to live boldly for Him and to share His love with others.
Day 2: The Miracle of Pentecost
Scripture: Acts 2:1-4
Reflection: Meditate on the miraculous events of Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to speak in different languages. Consider how God uses miraculous means to reach people from every nation and ethnicity.
Prayer: Pray for a heart open to the miraculous work of God in your life and for opportunities to share the gospel across cultural and linguistic barriers.
Day 3: The Global Mission
Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20
Reflection: Reflect on the Great Commission and the call to make disciples of all nations. Consider how you can participate in this mission, whether locally or globally.
Prayer: Ask God to give you a heart for the nations and to show you specific ways you can contribute to His mission.
Day 4: The Transformative Power of the Gospel
Scripture: Acts 2:37-41
Reflection: Consider the transformative power of the gospel as seen in the lives of the 3,000 who were baptized on the day of Pentecost. Reflect on how the gospel has transformed your life.
Prayer: Thank God for the transformation He has brought in your life and pray for those who have yet to experience His saving grace.
Day 5: Living Out God’s Purpose
Scripture: Ephesians 2:10
Reflection: Reflect on how God has created you for good works and has a specific purpose for your life. Consider how you can live out this purpose in your daily life.
Prayer: Ask God to reveal His purpose for you and to give you the courage and strength to walk in it, doing “big” things for His kingdom.