Missio Dei: Being on Mission for God

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Ice Breaker

Question: Have you ever been on a mission or task that seemed daunting at first but turned out to be rewarding? Share your experience with the group.


Scripture Passages

  1. 2 Corinthians 5:20-21 – “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us…”
  2. John 20:19-23 – Jesus appears to His disciples and commissions them.
  3. Matthew 28:16-20 – The Great Commission.
  4. John 4:1-42 – The story of the Samaritan woman at the well.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding Ambassadorship:

   – What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ according to 2 Corinthians 5:20-21?

   – How does being an ambassador affect the way we live our daily lives?


  1. Encounter with Jesus:

   – In John 20:19-23, how did Jesus’ appearance and words bring peace to the disciples?

   – How can we experience and share the peace of Christ in our own lives?


  1. The Great Commission:

   – What are the key components of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20?

   – How can we actively participate in making disciples in our current context?


  1. The Samaritan Woman’s Story:

   – How did the Samaritan woman’s encounter with Jesus transform her life and her community (John 4:1-42)?

   – What can we learn from her story about sharing our own encounters with Jesus?


Application Points

  1. Personal Mission:

   – Reflect on your personal story of transformation through Christ. How can you share this story with others in your life?

   – Identify one person or group you can reach out to this week to share the love of Christ.


  1. Living as Ambassadors:

   – Consider areas in your life where you can better represent Christ. What changes might you need to make to be a more effective ambassador?


  1. Community Impact:

   – As a group, brainstorm ways you can collectively be on mission in your community. What practical steps can you take to serve and share the Gospel?


  1. Prayer Focus:

   – Spend time praying for boldness and opportunities to share your faith. Pray for those who have yet to hear the Gospel in your community and around the world.


Closing Prayer

Invite someone to close the study with a prayer, asking God to empower each participant to live out their mission as ambassadors for Christ and to open doors for sharing the Gospel.